Sustainable finance
As a core element of the European Green Deal, financing climate change mitigation and sustainability is of paramount importance for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Paris goals. This will require significant investments in the coming years, as climate change and sustainability deficits represent risks that can materialize financially for companies and financial market players both in the form of physical risks (droughts, floods) and through changing regulation (CO2 price, emission limits). For this reason, sustainability is increasingly becoming a central part for corporate risk management. Climate and ESG factors are also increasingly included in the financial valuation of assets. Disclosure, as well as its effective management, is increasingly required by stakeholders and investors.
In order to adequately consider sustainability decisions in financing and investment decisions, financial market participants need information from companies with regard to their business models as well as potential sustainability risks and opportunities.
Based on the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosure), we support our customers in assessing risks and opportunities for their investments, support with scenario analysis and develop strategies and products to successfully compete in this changing economic, societal and regulatory environment.
Our services:
Analyses of sustainability risks and opportunities, e.g. according to TCFD
Support in carrying out scenario analyses
Analysis and development of sustainable financial products
Sector analysis of ESG and climate risk
Benchmarking of industry standards and competitor analyses